• Rejuvenation

    -Skin rejuvenation & strengthening.

    -Reduction of fine lines.

  • Purification

    -Antibacterial assisting with the treatment of acne.

    -Destroys bacteria.

    -Helps regulate natural oil production.

  • Toning

    -Calms and soothes irritated and sensitive skin.

    -Helps brighten your completion.

    -Treats redness and pigmentation.

  • Healing

    -Strengthens and repairs damaged skin cells.

    -Speeds up healing.

    -Regulates ROS (reduce swelling, inflammation and puffiness.

  • Calming

    -Calms and sooths irritated and sensitive skin.

    -Helps regulate natural oil production.

  • Intense rejuvination

    -Skin rejuvenation and strengthening.

    -Reduction of fine lines.


  • LED phototherapy is a well-recognised medical cosmetic treatment that delivers specific wavelengths of the light to the skin at a safe therapeutic doses in order to simulate a natural cellular response.

    Each coloured light has a specific, clinically proven wavelength. Depending on the wavelength, the depth of penetration differs, providing different cellular benefits base on target.

  • Before stating the treatment, you will remove any makeup, sunscreen and contact lenses. You will be provided with safety glasse which must be worn at all times during the session as the light will be positioned close to your face. Each treatment session could be up to 40 minutes. during and after the treatment, you will experience a feeling of relaxation. Following your treatment session, you can return to normal activities immediately.

  • As part of your consultation, your beauty therapist will advise you how many treatments may be suitable for your particular needs, however it is recommended 2 sessions a week for the first 6 weeks resulting in 12 sessions over the 6 week course, following that; 1 session every 4/6 weeks is reccomeded as maintenance.

  • There is no pain or downtime, no or only minor visible skin effect. It actually feels calming and many clients fall into a deep sleep during treatment

A luxury experience awaits you.